The new MP500 system is the ideal solution for intrusion detection systems in different fields.
It is easily scalable to meet domestic needs, business or industrial; It can be handled by mobile devices Internet access (Smartphone, Tablet), can be integrated with video surveillance cameras and home automation systems in standard Konnex.
The modularity of the system allows you to use the same peripheral devices (readers, keyboards, interfaces, expansions, etc.). of all middle range.
All plants have the same communication protocol, are installed with the same mode and are controlled from a distance through
Central MP500/16 - Mod. 80MP5L00111
New Central Elkorn MP500 / 16 Central BUS 8 zone expandable to 128 with PSTN integrated telephone dialing. 16 sectors for part set, PC programming locally (USB) and remote (modem).
Video function. Accessible via the Internet. Integrated power supply 3,4A. EN50131 grade 3.